
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Starting a blog

I'm excited to be writing again.  I've been so busy the last few years moving my music studio (twice!) and getting married (once!) and moving house (twice!) that my regular routines of researching and creating kind of fell by the wayside.

All those life changes and upheavals have meant 7-day music teaching work weeks at 12-15 hours per day minimum...this working with young children really is front-end loaded!

I've been feeling a little tired lately and realized I needed to re-charge my creative teaching self.  So...I'm taking some time away from teaching this I go to yoga, the gym, the beach, spend time with my husband, take some naps and the start of a blog.  

I have never blogged before...but it seems like something my personality might like (a brain that won't let go of an idea, a mind that thinks constantly of what's next, a love of people and writing, not caring about the money...I recently read that you shouldn't blog to make money because you won't make any!)  Check out  Penelope Trunk's Guide to Blogging.

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