
Thursday, December 30, 2010

How less Zen and more Busy is my secret to a happy life!

One of the blogs a I sometimes visit is Zen Habits.  I just went there today and came away thinking...I really am NOT looking for that type of Zen-ness!  (So minimalist that you have to be careful what you eat and you no longer have a car...)  I love my work and the busy-ness of my studio life working with busy, energized children.

It is not simple work that I do.  It is complex emotionally, spiritually, creatively and professionally.  I stay focussed simply because of the complexity of it all.  It is physical work so I eat well and do not worry about my weight.   I have a million things to do and I like doing them all.  I often wish I had more time in the day and more days in the week.  Sometimes I run from thing to thing.  I have energy and I feel good.  I sleep like a rock.  I feel I am doing something meaningful for families.

Having a car (not so green, I know!), running around planning, creating and collecting for my classes is a TOTAL THRILL for me.  It energizes me and I realize that after 18 years of building this business (busy-ness), I have built a life that completely reflects what I really LOVE about being on this planet...the JOY OF MAKING MUSIC!


  1. Thank you for including my art quilt, "With a Song in My Heart" in you blog post. You can see more of my musical fiber art at my website:

    Keep making music!
    Loretta Alvarado

  2. Thank you, Loretta for letting us all know where your beautiful artwork came from! I posted it back in my early blogging days and found it somewhere online...and didn't know how to find out where it originated.
    I am so appreciative that you are happy to have it posted it here. Thank you:)


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