
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dreamcatcher Drama (part 2) Discovering our inner gifts using Native Medicine Cards

This book is available at
We spread the animal cards out for the children to choose the one that spoke to them above all the others.
These were the animal cards chosen by each child. We looked each one up in the Medicine Card book to discover the inner gifts brought by each animal.  Each child made symbols to remind them of their inner gifts.  We molded our symbols using Model Magic (a crayola product).  
One of our completed dreamcatchers.
Once we had worked through the ideas for our play (see last post about the Dreamcatcher Drama
and had learned the dreamcatcher song (click to hear the song), 
the children asked if they could make their own dreamcatchers.
We used branches from my yard and bent them into a circle shape and tied them with hemp string purchased at Michael's Craft Store.  
We tied our medicine shield symbols around the edges of our dreamcatchers.

Discovering and creating our medicine shield symbols
1.  I just happen to have a book titled Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.
2.  I spread the cards out on the floor and asked each child to pick the card they were most drawn to.  Each child picked their favorite animal card.

We used the medicine card book to find out more about each animal's medicine.  We read about the gift each animal brings to each child.  The children's response was overwhelmingly positive.  It was AMAZING!

Each child took the information to heart discussing and exclaiming how each inner gift fit them perfectly.

Note to reader:  I'm having a lot of trouble uploading my pictures to blogger the last while.   It seems that blogger will not let me place the pictures where I'd like them to be.  So next post will just be a series of photos with captions.  If you'd like more details about any part of this musical-inner gift-drama process...please send an email!
I will load one more post with photos of invitations and the program we created for our play. 

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