
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Charlie Over the Ocean

It's been a busy start to my year with all the families. 
I have lots to share and today it's a circle dance for ages 1-4 years.

Everyone holds hands in a circle.  Sing the fisherman's song!

Charlie Over the Ocean
Charlie over the ocean (everyone steps into the middle)
Charlie over the sea (continue stepping into the middle)
Charlie caught a big fish (begin stepping back to the original circle)
Can't catch me! (stomp 3 times)

Run, run, run, run.....  (still holding hands we run clockwise around circle 4 beats)
Phish!  (everyone sinks to the bottom of the circle)

Let's do it again!

second time:  run counterclockwise
third time:  run for 8 beats
fourth time:  run for 12 or 16 beats (especially with 2-1/2 to 4 year olds...they love the varied phrase lengths for running)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Book Review is out!

Last spring Angela Barker (Editor) asked if I would write a book review for Perspectives, the professional journal for the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association.

Apparently, you have to be a member of the ECMMA (which I encourage you to become!) to read the review and many other wonderful articles.  

If you are not a member, this is the book I reviewed.  I consume many books...and I don't usually say this...this is a book EVERY music and movement teacher or therapist should have on their bookshelf!

So, if you're not going to read the review...just go get yourself a copy of the book.  It's a book I now recommend to all parents and teachers of the very young!

Friday, September 16, 2011

What does your music space look like?

Welcome to Musicalia!

Last spring Rachel Rambach (Listen & Learn) and I began an email conversation about the new teaching/music therapy space in her home.  

She was in the midst of a home renovation that was to accommodate her studio so it would be separate from the living quarters of her home.  She did an amazing job!

Having set up several commercial music and movement spaces myself I had many suggestions for her.   In the midst of our conversation, Rachel decided to create a feature on her blog that focused on other people's studio spaces.

Rachel kicked off this new feature with pictures of my Musicalia studio space this week!  Check it out here!

If you have pictures of your music and movement/therapy space that you would be willing to share with the rest of us...send them Rachel!  

Oh...and check out Rachel's membership site.  I'm a member and whole-heartedly recommend it to you!

Have a great weekend everyone!  And thanks for shining your spotlight on Musicalia, Rachel!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Free eBook! It's a heart-warming read...

Download your own copy of an uplifting book!

Do you feel grateful for the role certain people have played in your life?  Maybe, you look back and can see how influential someone was in your youth? or when you were having a hard time and needed little extra support?  We all have stories about a personal hero.  I'm sure you do too.

I was invited to contribute to this wonderful free e-book.
this summer.  My contribution (on page 105) is a tribute to my musical hero!

In this book, A Celebration of Personal Heroes, you will find evidence of personal heroes everywhere—people who possess qualities or characteristics we would like to emulate. 

The existence of heroes helps us expand our perceptions about our own limitations and gives us something to aspire to—something every society needs.
Stories in this complimentary eBook include:
“Imagine My Surprise” by Anne Bennett, who expresses gratitude for the New Yorkers on the 9-11 attacks that she witnessed. 
“Job Well Done” by Sabrina Jones, describing the heroism of a single parent and the emotional and physical strength they must possess.
“You’re a Hero Too” by Cat Traywick, inspiring us all that we can make a difference because of the hero within ourselves.
Click the link and have your own copy to read (they're free)!
A Celebration of Personal Heroes


Friday, September 2, 2011

Have a lovely weekend!

Moka enjoying pre-Labour Day weekend events
It's been a week full of tasks, tidying, banking and prepping for fall classes (and enjoying memories and photos from the celebrations of my 30-year high school reunion last week).  

Even though it's a holiday weekend, I'll be busy here at the studio for much of it.  

I'm happy to be here though because I know my efforts now will make the first few weeks with the children and their families a more connected and happy time for all.

Hope you're weekend is more like Moka's!