
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Reading Break for Teachers (and Moka) Too

Moka takes a reading break...
So my studio is closed for a few days.  My business is coming on 19 years and there have been a few things I have eventually figured out about being successful at this.

In about year 7 of running my own business, it finally dawned on me that the reason I was getting so sick every November was I was just plain tired.

The start up in the fall is so busy (August planning actually the busiest time for me) and then all the new children and the returning students in all their classes...there is so much to plan for and respond to...I find I don't get a lot of downtime.

In year 7, when it dawned on me I needed to rest a bit, I started booking off a few days in mid-November.  Sometimes I would travel to the AOSA conference or take a trip up-island and stay somewhere quiet or (like this year) stay home, sleep in and, yes, do a little extra prep for the Christmas concert/party season.

So, my big plans for today include hanging out with Moka, walking on the beach, checking out an old friend's new line of greeting cards and eating, eating, eating:)


  1. Ahhh ... nothing like a break to get the old juices flowing again. As business owners, we tend to work seven days a week, and when we're not actually working, we're thinking and dreaming about work.

    I start every school year with a calendar and schedule in breaks to coincide with every major holiday - starting with Martin Luther King Day in January. I close for the whole week. That does two things. It gives me needed breaks, and it ensures that all students get the same number of lessons, as a charge by the quarter, rather than the lesson. I'm now looking forward to Thanksgiving break, and the first three days of the week let me get prepared for THE day.

    Glad you got the rest you need. We ALL need it.

    Wishing you a song in your heart,
    Miss Leslie @ Music with Miss

  2. You are SOOO right...we think and dream our biz even when we're not actually working:) Planning the whole year's breaks is a great way to plan your breaks too!


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