
Friday, January 20, 2012

Have You Ever Found Yourself in Snowy Land?

Our new greatest hit!  This song helps us:
  • use our bodies creatively
  • use percussion...any ones we want
  • play a 8-beat phrase and stop together
  • play in ensemble and have fun
  • make choices about what and where we play and have it all be okay
  • feel good and smile

Have you ever found yourself in a snowy land?
(guitar chords G and D7)

Have you ever found yourself in a snowy land?
An icy town with snowflakes grand?
If  you ever find yourself in a snowy land
just pick up an instrument and join the band!

Now converse with the kids
(what will we play?  body percussion?  shakers?  trumpets?)

Using non-pitched percussion (shakers, scrapers, skins, woods, metals)
Have you ever found a shaker in a snowy land,
an icy town, with snowflakes grand?
If you ever find a shaker in a snowy land,
just pick up a shaker and join the band!

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (everybody plays...especially the shakers)

Using other instruments
Have you ever found a trumpet in a snowy land
an icy town, with snowflakes grand?
If you ever find a trumpet in a snowy land,
just pick up your trumpet and join the band.

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (everybody plays...especially the trumpet)

(just a note...yesterday the sweetest 6 year old boy brought a trumpet to class and we sang this song and he tooted along with the band...oh my goodness...too sweet...and he really sounded fabulous with the drums!)

Using body percussion (snap, clap, pat, stomp, rub, clack)
Have you ever found yourself in a stomping land,
an icy town, with snowflakes grand?
If you ever find yourself in a stomping land,
just start stomping and join the band!

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (everybody plays...especially the body percussion people)

let me know what happens!


  1. This is amazing song - game. Thank you very much for your frendly sharing!

  2. Thank you, Kay! It's really nice to hear it's useful for you. Thanks for leaving your comment!


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