
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Make Me Musical has moved!

We've moved...are you coming along for the ride???

Make Me Musical has a new home!

We've moved from blogger (here where you are reading) 
to wordpress (HERE).

Blogger has been such a wonderful home for Make Me Musical since 2010!
Thank you, Google!

This move to wordpress has been challenging but I think it's been worth it.   
Once the move is complete it means I will be able to offer more practical tools that can be delivered to you online and that will help you in your work with children.

We've transferred all the old blog posts and I'm getting ready to write new ones at the new site.

Note:  As I write it's the end of April 2013 and while the new site is live, we're still in the final stages of renovation 
(fixing links and formatting and making tweaks).

Planning to be complete by mid-May...but we all know what renovations can be like...

Join us at the new site...
there is a gift for subscribers! 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Making a difference in a child's life thru music and movement

It's true!
You really can believe you are making a difference in a child's life by...

...singing to them
...singing with them
...moving with them
...dancing with them
...making body shapes with them
...using silly voices with them
...playing percussion with them
...keeping the beat with them
...changing the words to songs with them
...chanting rhymes and poems with them
...resting and relaxing with them

Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to Get Updates from Make Me Musical

MakeMeMusical is getting a make-over! Check out the new tagline coming... "nurture, heal and educate thru music, movement and creativity".

Dear Wonderful Readers!

I have been away from MakeMeMusical for almost a year.  A year!?!  Yikes!

So, you haven't heard from me in quite a while and I have much to say about this past year but I won't be saying it in today's post.  

Right now, I am writing with some urgency about something else!

If you haven't already signed up, you may wish to take action now and SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER....HERE.

Why??  Cause....

Google is terminating the RSS function which (if you are receiving this message in your email) you have subscribed to.

If you have subscribed to MMM thru RSS then you will (shortly) no longer be receiving blog posts from me in your email inbox.   If you're fine with that, then you don't need to do anything.

If you wish to continue to receive free resources and blog posts from me at MakeMeMusical then you have to make sure you have signed up for the newsletter.  The newsletter will soon be the ONLY way you will continue to receive free resources and updates on the blog.

Because of this change initiated by Google, I have decided to make yet another change myself.  And I am excited about it!

I am moving MakeMeMusical to an alternative platform called wordpress.  It will not be a free platform, I will pay for it but I will also be in complete control.

The best thing about this change is that I will be able to offer more to you in the way of resources for your work with children.  Blogger had many limitations and it often meant I couldn't share things I wanted to share with you.

So, in a few weeks, the move of my site will take place and then I will be back blogging and sharing more creative ideas about music, movement and creativity.