
Sunday, April 19, 2020

A pre-school music teacher asked (true story)

A pre-school music teacher asked, 

do you really think it makes a difference 
if kids are exposed to music in preschool?"

I responded with calm and certainty.  

"If you weren't there to do this, who would do it?"


How would those few children you spend minutes with each week gain exposure to using their voices and bodies creatively, expressively, thoughtfully, joyfully

Who would be their model?
(aside from the media stars and pop singers...
...and those models are not real-everyday-life-type-models...) 

I said,  
"music & movement are the first languages of the brain."  

The brain wires itself most happily and easily through song and rhythm.   

Setting a foundation for early musicality happens in these young ages.   We don't get to see the results of our efforts for almost 2 it can seem pointless at times.

I've been doing this for several decades now and I have seen results.

Did you know...when the child is still in the womb the first teacher is sound!

Just days after conception the fetus will withdraw in response to a loud sound.  

A few weeks later the ear canals are formed and are responding to sound.

The baby is born already in the habit of learning through sound and doesn't even have to be exposed to Mozart for this to happen!

Even newborn babies have non-verbal ways to let you know they like a song.  

Babies who have heard certain songs sung to them in the womb recognize those songs and respond to them.

Children learn to speak more easily through song.  So easily in fact, that I have had experiences where mamas withdraw a one-year old from an english-speaking class because the child was learning English too quickly.  Mama wasn't ready for her mother tongue to be replaced!

Yes, music and movement in preschool makes a world of difference to a child's development.  

We use the elements of music (rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre, dynamics, tempo) to shift emotional state.  

Music is THE most amazing way to light up the ENTIRE brain!!!

Nothing does this like music does.  Nothing.  Best activity ever for brain development!

You're doing great work when you make music with kids!  


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