Last week was Halloween Week at Musicalia.
All the "big" kid classes had halloween theme songs, games and dances and plays to perform.
It was exciting, fast-paced and fun.
We ended each class with apple-bobbing.
One of the Maestros classes is in their 1st year of guitar & harmonica, 2nd year of violin and 3rd year of recorder!
Being new...and being a guitar...the guitar seems to be the favorite instrument right now!
The kids have learned the E minor chord. This is an exciting chord because we and can strum all the strings (instead of just 3 or 4) and sing that spooky song...
"There was an old woman all skins and bones. Oooooooo
She lived down by the old graveyard. Oooooooo
One night she thought she'd take a walk. Oooooooo
She walked down by the old graveyard. Ooooooo
She saw some bones a layin' around. Ooooooo
She went to the closet to get a broom. Ooooooo
She opened the door and BOO! (we all turn our guitars over and drum the back of it on the word "BOO")
It was a feel-good class that day because they kept asking to sing and play it over and over and over and over. It became meditative and calming and the children felt confident and competent.
I asked one of the dads (who happened to join us that day) to pluck low E and B alternatively on the cello. What a great bass line!
There was a 3 year old there with his mom and we gave him an E note tone bar to play. He had a solo "boo" after each time we sang the song.
It was a magical, musical ensemble experience.
I wish it for all 7 and 8 year olds! I wish I'd recorded it!
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