
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Inner speech...what is it? how do I nurture it?

Inner speech is the process through which we hear ourselves think and listen internally. 
Inner-speech should be in place by the age of 8. 

How can you tell if inner speech is not in place?
Children without inner voice need to hear something to understand it.  Without a developed ability to process internally and think internally children may have difficulty thinking through their problems.  Sometimes you see impulse control problems because a child needs to move to think.  Sometimes the child will act before thinking it all the way through...sometimes we all regret that!

I like to begin singing songs that practise inner speech when children are almost 3 years old.
To enhance inner speech try:
1.  singing in rounds (singing in rounds may be more successful with ages 6 and up though)
2.  singing songs like “B I N G O” (where you think the words-using inner speech...clap the inner speech part in order to "feel" it)

Sing songs with actions so the actions help to keep everyone focussed on where we're at once the inner speech parts begin part way through a song.  Some examples:
3.  Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes.  
     Head and shoulders, knees and toes, eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

4.  Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill.  
One named Jack and one named Jill.  
Fly away, Jack! Fly away, Jill!  
Come back, Jack.  Come back, Jill.

5.  Birds have a beak.  
Cats have sharp claws.  
The elephant's trunk is very smart but fingers do it all!

6.  Any of the songs in Jos Wuytack's little yellow book, "55X Funtastic - 55 songs with Movement".

7.  Using any poem the children know and leaving out key words so the children have to fill them in.

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